Issue #6

Vulnerable / Accessible / Sustainable

This issue includes a Syrian refugee on climate migration, an interview with chef Conor Spacey, Dr. Dave Courchene on Indigenous pride, Kavita Naidu on the need for systems change, a photographic project considers the beauty of being true to oneself in dangerous circumstances and US urban planning.

Cover of Issue #6


Cold Comfort
A young Syrian refugee reflects on the part that climate breakdown has played in his migration.

Rebooting Our Food Systems
Climate and food writer Thin Lei Win looks to the UN’s Food Systems Summit in September, and introduces the “action tracks” designed to address issues around the world’s food security.

Grown, Cooked and Served
An interview with Conor Spacey, the culinary director of FoodSpace Ireland - a catering company with a focus on social responsibility and sustainability that operates throughout Ireland, producing over 2m meals a year.

Rethinking the American City
Modern US cities have adopted sustainable practices and eco-friendly construction with the intention of building toward a greener future. But too often in practice this means focusing on single prestige projects rather reconceiving the city as part of a larger ecosystem in which the built environment works in conjunction with political, cultural, and social systems.

A Time for Change
Dr Dave Courchene is the founder of the Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness, and chairs the National Turtle Lodge Council of Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The lodge works with young Indigenous people to instil a sense of pride in their identity and help them connect with the traditional land, ceremonies and languages.

The Beautiful Horror of Plants
How plants have embodied the uncanny in art, literature and film.

Stories of Fluorescence
How fluorescence links nature and culture across the globe.

The Fire Element of Five Element Taoist Medicine
Fire governs the small intestine, and our heart, where the mind and spirit reside.

Systems Change
Colonialism, patriarchy and capitalism are at the root of the intersecting crises of climate breakdown, authoritarianism and Covid-19 in the global south, writes climate justice and human rights advocate Kavita Naidu.

Between the Dog and the Wolf
Artists Alastair and Fleur Mackie reflect on remnants of ancient ways of thinking, cautionary tales and the recognition of consequences.

Oil & Moss
Words and photography by Igor Tereshkov

The Quingdom - In Transition
Words and photography by DeLovie Kwagala. Kwagala was inspired to celebrate queer people's sacrifices by documenting the beauty of being true to oneself in extremely dangerous circumstances, and our wish for freedom.

My Life by Water
A 2019 report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the UN found that around 785 million people, or one in ten of the world’s population, lack access to clean water.

Issue #6

Vulnerable / Accessible / Sustainable

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Stories from Issue #6